We ride through the night, down pathways of Christmas glow, and view our sparkling world of Christmas lights--the red and green ones, the twinkling ones, the lacey white ones. We see homes and office buildings aglow with warmth and beauty...we take the Christmas Light tours, we ohhhh and ahhhh--and we love it all (as do the utility companies too!) - Well, all but the ones in California...
Have you heard the news? Light is on loan in the lovely State of California - a limited supply, the threat of black-out periods, and warnings of an energy shortage looms ahead as more and more folk turn on their Christmas display lights...so what does it mean? Will Christmas be called off in California? A Christian friend from California assured me that HER "light" won't go out - Jesus continues to shine deep within her heart - the Light stays on there, for sure!
God, Creator of the light, turned ON the light "in the beginning" when He commanded, "Let there be light!" And light there was; with the Light of the World a promise away. In due time, that Light appeared to warm our world; to awaken our spirits to His truth, love and grace; to light our paths for an entire lifetime of walking with Him. He STILL lights the world as the Gospel of His Grace dispels the darkness of our world--AND He'll light your personal world today if you'll look into His face and let His Light take over your life!
You see--God understands our many shades of darkness, whether it is the darkness of sin, the darkness of sadness, or the darkness of a silent night where God seems too far away to see our distress and hear our cry. His blinding light of glory broke into the dark, dreary world of the shepherds long ago--and He wants to do the same for you!
Let the Creator of the world enter YOUR world today with His command, "Let there be LIGHT!" He will dispel the darkness of your life this day--if you'll let Him. He is STILL the Light of the World--and His Light shines for YOU today. Believe it--let the TRUE Christmas Light shine in your heart--and you will have a wonderful day!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"And God said, Let there be light; and there was light (Genesis 1:3)."
"And the light shineth in darkness; the the darkness overcame it not (John 1:5)."
..."I am the light of the world; he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life (John 8:12)."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, sometimes I let the Light grow dim within my own heart--the darkness begins to swallow up the warmth and security of Your promises. Fear and sadness reign--when I look at my life through the eyes of the enemy of my soul. Help me, in those moments of darkness and despair, to turn my eyes toward the Light--to You, the Light of MY world and my life--the Light that will never go out, In Jesus' Name, Amen."
Your DAILY Assignments!
My Personal, Indescribable Christ--Scripture for ALL Seasons!
Read Words from the Well poem and let the Lord minister to you.
He will, I promise! He is a faithful God and will be faithful to you today!
All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright 2000 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO. All rights reserved.
Not to be copied without permission.

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