RATS! There's a RAT in the house--for real! Oh, not mine, thank goodness--but I've got a good friend raging a wild war with a raving rat in HER house! She's tried the electronic chasers, the sticky traps, whatever--and the rat raves on. The other morning she found her phone line dead...the rat, she reported, had probably eaten the phone cord! We wish her luck in finding and eliminating her fool "friend!"
None of us like rodents in our houses, of course--but there's a grungy one "foot-loose and fancy-free" running around our world. He will RATtle your cage, RATionalize your sins and underRATe your confidence in God. His goal? To eat you out of house and home, to beat up your mind, to heat up your spirit and to make meat out of your soul--if you let him! Whether your "house" is a home, a church, a school, a workplace, a community, a nation, a world, the "rat" is sure to be around--to steal, kill and destroy everything in sight. What to do?
Well, no electronic chasers, no sticky traps, none of earth's methods will eliminate the frightful fool from your house. YOU have no power over this rodent from hell....or DO you? "Greater is HE that is in you than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4)." There's a power within you THIS day and EVERY day to eliminate the raging "rat" from your house...It's the Word of God, the power of the Spirit, the Blood of the Lamb--the triune GOD who reigns forevermore--who has already caught him, called his bluff and conquered him forever.
He still roams the earth--but under the eye of the Lord! He may act like he is still "king of the rodents"--but OUR King still reigns...and the rodent from hell cannot harm you while you are under the Blood of Christ and a child of the King. Now change the "T" of that "RAT" to a "D" and know that someday God will RADically erRADicate the enemy forever, not only from YOUR house, but from the face of HIS home called earth! Believe it--tell that "RAT" in your house where to go in the Name of the Lord--and have a GREAT day!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that he might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, there's a rat in the house, and he's out to ruin my life, my family and my world. I call upon Your Name to destroy the works of the enemy and to defeat his evil purposes in my life, through the power of Your Blood and Your Word. Reign supreme as King of my life this day, In Jesus' Name, Amen."