A talking donkey, a rod-swallowing serpent, a dinner-serving raven--God uses all sorts of strange creatures to fulfil His commands. Even a COW! Now you won't find THIS one in the Bible--but it's in the Gospel According to God's Goodness--and it's true! A pioneer pastor and his family, at the edge of the Mojave Desert, were years ago trying to bring the gospel to a village stricken with poverty and hunger. Food--and milk--were scarce--the cupboard was bare, that is, until...
One day a COW, ready to be milked, mysteriously appeared, obviously lost and headed straight for the town. The pastor could not find the owner, so did the compassionate thing to do--he milked the cow! Still no owner. For three days the children had fresh milk and their nutritional needs met. The owner, searching for his lost cow, finally appeared, and so grateful for the good care given his cow, said, "Oh, thank you for milking my cow. And now I must also pay you for being so kind," and proceeded to pay the pastor for taking care of the cow!
Now WHO took care of WHO? I believe more than a pastor caring for a cow, GOD was taking care of a needy family. And if He can call on a cow to fulfil His command and bring milk to some hungry kids, I believe He can call on whatever or whomever He chooses to meet our needs today! What do you need from the Lord? Don't despair; lift up your eyes and watch the horizon...a cow--or whatever else--may be on its way to meet your need. We serve a creative God who uses what He wills to meet the needs of His children. Believe it, watch for YOUR miracle, and have a great day!