"I miss my diamonds...when they were 'in the rough'!" so remarked one of my "mom" friends, whose boys are all grown up...so to speak...do your kids EVER "all" grow up! Started me thinking--diamonds always start me thinking...grin! Seriously, you see, I've got two "diamonds in the rough"--two sons whose trials and triumphs can make--or UNmake my day--it's a mix of blossoming manhood, blasted messes, blessed moments and bear-growling moods--and if you have kids at ANY age (yes, even the grown-up ones!), you're grinning or groaning too...as did OUR moms and dads when we were growing up!
Now kids are wonderful--they are undeniably incredible, invaluable creations of God, made in HIS image--and we love them dearly; but to call these incredulous creatures "diamonds" seems to be strrrretching it a bit some days...eh?? Sure, they are "priceless treasures," and there are days when we wouldn't trade them for ten million dollars. BUT there are other days too that we'd "sell" them for a dime to our neighbor down the street!
DON'T! For after all the fun and frustration of parenthood is over, the rooms are finally clean and the "riots" are finally over, I suppose we, like my friend, will look back and finally SEE the sparkle, those "diamonds in the rough" who are our pride and joy. Sure, we manage to catch a sparkle now and then, but during the process, we often see JUST the process not the finished product!
Well, there's a heavenly Parent who's not finished with US yet either! He has a lot more patience with us than we do with our kids, thank GOD! He works diligently, smoothing the rough places, cleaning up the smudged places, shining up the dull places--and He NEVER gives up--so don't YOU ever give up on yourself, no matter how discouraged you may be. GOD is at work...you are a radiant diamond in the rough...you are worth the effort HE has made and is now making to display in you the diamond He KNOWS you to be! Believe it and have a dazzling day!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"Being confident of this very thing, that he who hath begun a good work in
will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Philippians 1:6)."
"For it is God who worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure (Philippians 2:13)."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, I am truly a "diamond in the rough" - don't ever stop working on me! Transform me daily into Your image that I may radiate Your love and grace to a dark world, In Jesus' Name, Amen."