Chocolate--my favorite anti-stress word...after the Lord, of course! Anyone who knows Peggie knows when she's stressed out, not only will she pray, she'll also head for the nearest chocolate ice cream store! Now WHAT if someone STOLE my chocolate! It happened this week to a sight-impaired Christian friend, living independently and doing quite well--that is, until a MOUSE sneaked into her snack drawer! "The mouse is eating my chocolate!" she wrote in a bit of a panic, and waiting for the pest control to arrive! Imagine her creepy crisis! Knowing this plucky gal, she'll survive with a funny story to tell--but what about the chocolate! WHO wants to eat chocolate after a MOUSE has munched on it! The thief!
I know another thief who sneaks, not into our snack drawer, but into our lives, to "steal, kill and destroy." He's not after our chocolate; he's after US, and by God's grace and help, we're not about to give in! No pest control is needed either--we have the Sword of the Spirit whereby we can confront and confound him, the robber of all that is good and sweet in our lives. He'll not have houseroom at Peggie's Place--and I hope you won't let him in either--your front door, your back door, your snack drawer--today or any day!
God's love, joy and peace are ours for life, and old devil, you can't have any of the rich, everlasting sweetness we cherish and enjoy as believers! Jesus Christ defeated you at the Cross. Believe it, devil--and RUN! And YOU believe it too wherever on Planet Earth you may live! Now go beg, borrow or steal (no, don't steal!!) some tasty chocolate from your best buddy's snack drawer--and have a wonderful day!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"The thief cometh not but to steal, and to kill, and to destroy;
I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly (John 10:10)."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, the thief's been hanging around my place, trying to steal the abundant life I possess in Christ Jesus. He is defeated by Your power, Your Blood and Your Name. I take up my Sword, Your powerful Word, and I claim victory, In Jesus Name, Amen."