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Phooey on Phat!?! - Walking Off the Chocolate!
Down the Path to the Well--a thought to remember along the way
Valentine's Day--with its dark, delicious, deadly chocolates--is a wonderful memory for another year--and if on that decadent day you indulged with guilty delight in a diet-free world, then this devotional is for you! Well, it's really for me--but I thought you'd enjoy it too--and if you can relate, relax; we're in this together!You see, I went for a mad one-mile walk one day--AFTER a mad run-in with the scales at my doctor's office. Needless to say, without going into painful detail, I needed that walk! And as I walked, I thought--WAY back to the tall, skinny high schooler who is no more--now replaced by the phunny phat woman who's having great phun making phun of herself right now! Well, PHOOEY on PHAT! Sounds like the first line of a cheer we could all create, and the exercise wouldn't hurt us either!
Back to the weird mental processes moved on from my own memories to a dream Joseph in the Bible interpreted for the king. Remember the fat and skinny cows? Joseph revealed the meaning of the dream to the king--and lived happily ever after. As thoughts "churned" around in my walking mode, I suddenly saw that at the end of the street where I was walking, behind a wired farm fence, the phat COWS from the king's dream had came to LIFE--at least 25 or 30 of them--they startled me--I kid you not--the cows really WERE there, honest, and it was quite phunny--!
Now what in the world do the phat cows have to do with this devotional? Not much - except to remind us all that God does indeed have a delightful sense of humor; and beyond that, to know that the BIBLE has no weight limits, no diet plans, no calorie counters--and no body weight scales! It actually describes the fruitful Christian as "fat and flourishing" -- in spirit and soul, that is! And so, if you and I need to lose a little phat, we need to work on that, of course, but we also need to know that HE loves us just the way we are--AND with a fat and flourishing soul besides!
Daily work-outs and walks with Him are included in the over-all plan for our spiritual health--and running the race will help keep us in tip-top shape as we serve the Lord. So go ahead--get ONE more piece of that chocolate candy--phooey on the phat--discipline and diet can begin tomorrow! But for today--and every day--let's reach for the riches of God's Word--indulge to our heart's delight and let our spirits and souls grow "fat and flourishing" in the faith of our wonderful Lord...
And now, back to that box of Russell Stover's...we can have ONE more piece...and then NO MORE! Believe THAT--and have a phat-free day!!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing, To show that the Lord is upright. He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in him (Psalm 92:13-15)."
"Lord, we place so much emphasis on our physical bodies--we do battle with discipline, delight, diet and desserts--and sometimes we lose! But Lord, there's something so much more important than the physical; it's our spiritual well-being. May we be as concerned about the inner man as we are about the body in which it is housed. Make us "fat and flourishing" in the life that really matters--life in YOU, In Jesus' Name, Amen." Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
+ + + + + +
A Royal Workout!--a devo with health and exercise links!
My Personal, Indescribable Christ--Scripture for ALL Seasons!
Words from the Well poem--A prayer you can pray each day!
The Christian Armor Room at Peggie's Place--A reminder to put on your armor today!
Church of the Covered Dish--A daily Christian cartoon strip you'll love!
Reverend Fun--Another fun Christian cartoon of the day!
Copyright 2000-01 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO. All rights reserved.
Not to be copied without permission.
With thanks to Songs of Praise for the beautiful music playing on this page. Visit Songs of Praise for other beautiful tunes by many talented artists (CDs are available).All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
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This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner, you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Copyright 1996-2016 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - - All rights reserved.