The ring of the phone jarred my sleepy state of "it's morning--where am I" mode, and I reached across the bed to answer it. My wonderful, responsible teen son was on the other line. Now he IS pretty responsible and of course, he is wonderful, most days--but it was about 7:30 a.m., DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME--and such endearing thoughts don't come up that early in the morning for THIS mom who is NOT a morning person!
His words woke me up but good! "Mom, will you bring my music folder over to the high school?" "OK," I sighed, "How soon do you need it? Twenty minutes?" The answer was not what I wanted to hear....he needed it right away...20 minutes would NOT do...right away would! I couldn't believe it...well, yes, I could--I did not WANT to believe it!
However, this dutiful mom dragged herself out of bed, moaned and groaned, got dressed, applied minimum makeup (!!) and zoomed across town to deliver the music folder to my wonderful, responsible son, who DID actually remember to say "Thank you!" Oh, you're welcome, son - any time! Next time, when your dad is the morning-man-in-charge, make sure you've got it all before you leave the house, ok??
Grin...if you've got kids, or ever HAD them once-upon-a-time, it's probably happened at your house many times, and you understand! But there's Someone who understands US even more...for "BEFORE they call, I will answer!" Yes, our patient, loving Lord knows exactly what we need, or what we lost, or what we forgot, far before we've ever needed, lost or forgot it. HE is there, day and night, to answer our call. He need not get out of bed, and He doesn't groan or moan like Mom when I call Him. No--He's wide awake, "on duty" 24 hours a day, with grace, mercy and everlasting kindness to always hear and answer our prayers.
I'm glad, aren't you? Have a great day, knowing HE'll be there for you too today....even BEFORE you call!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"...before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear (Isaiah 65:24)."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, thanks for being there, "on duty," 24 hours a day, for hearing my prayer before I ever utter a word, for loving and caring for my needs before I ever ask; I love and praise You this day for who You are, In Your Name, Amen."