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Childhood fears are funny to us now, but they were very real then! Remember being scared of the "big, bad bear"? He was "real" in your imagination, bigger than life in your dreams. You'd awake scared out of your wits and run to jump in your parents' bed, cuddle up to safety, and know you'd be all right! Soon you were asleep, carried back to your room, and ready to face the world the next day!So who's afraid of the big bad bear?? We're all grown up now--nothing to fear, right? Wrong! We live with all kinds of fears--real and imagined, whether we're a Christian or not! Now, of course, we KNOW all the right Scriptures to tell our friends when THEY are afraid, but when WE are afraid, uh....that's another story! Right? Admit it, God knows us all anyway--and we can't fool Him!
But our own minds and our own imaginations can sure fool us! The poor people in New Delhi, India, are scared again--this time there is a "bear man" on the loose. He follows the "monkey man" that had the city in a panic with so-called attacks all over the city. Now it is alleged that there is no accurate documentation on the monkey and the bear--just a frenzy of fear stories circulating the city--and scaring the people. (See links below.)
You may not have an imagined or real bear or monkey on your trail today, but you do have that old lion roarin' away, nipping at your heels, after you hot and heavy. The devil hates you, and would like to be that "big bad bear" from your childhood dreams, to haunt, harrass and horrify you into a frozen fear mode, where you're no good for yourself, your family, or your Lord.
He's no figment of your imagination--he's real, but he is DEFEATED! Before he was a "bear" in your world, he was a serpent in God's world...and Jesus, God's Son, has "bruised the serpent's head." No more can he control you, alarm you, or bring you down in the dust--not unless you let him!
So, arise today, put on your armor in the name of the Lord and know that no monkey, bear, lion or serpent from Satan's ZOO has authority over you, your mind and your spirit this day. You are the Lord's, under His protection and in His care. Now believe it--go get on your armor of the Lord, and have a great BEAR-FREE day!!
Delight in a Word from the Well--a refreshing in the Water of His Word
"Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4 )."
Draw from the Well--a prayer for renewing strength for this day
"Lord, it's not the big, bad bear of childhood who frightens me--it's the realities of the roaring lion and sneaky serpent that bring with him an overwhelming fear I can't control. Help me to abide in Your love, to know that "perfect love casts out fear," that I am safe in Your care. You will keep me from the evil one--as I put on the armor of God--and I will know YOUR peace. I claim it, In Jesus' Name, Amen."
Copyright 2000 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO. All rights reserved.
Not to be copied without permission.TODAY'S FEATURED LINKS:
The Christian Armor Room
The Phobia List!
FIRST 'MONKEY MAN' - NOW VILLAGERS PANIC OVER 'BEAR MAN'As Monkey Man hysteria dies down in Delhi, villagers in north-east India are claiming a new menace is on the prowl - Bear Man. Villagers in areas of Assam claim the creature makes itself invisible before attacking people. Bear Man apparently disappears when caught in a ray of light. More than a dozen people say they have been attacked by Bear Man. Police have dismissed the sightings and reported attacks as figments of the imagination.
Full story. Reprinted with permission by Real World News.
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Note: As of 11/30/15, sites will no longer be checked for dead links. Please contact owner at due to tremendous amount of links.
This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner, you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Copyright 1996-2016 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - - All rights reserved.