Teases, taunts, torments--it's called "brotherly love" and it happens at our home on a regular basis. If you've got kids, grew up kids, or take care of anybody's kids, you relate! It will drive you nuts--unless you are the kids...for by the time, you've tried to straighten it out, it's all over, they're buddies again, and you're ready to run away! That's kids for you...their fights and feuds are short-winded and long-forgotten by the time you catch your breath!
Would that we'd be so forgiving as grown-ups....grudges wouldn't last, grievances would mend, grace would prevail...and why shouldn't that be the norm! We're brothers and sisters in Christ! Sure, we'd not going to see eye-to-eye on everything, but that's no excuse to "beat up on your brother"--he's as human and imperfect as you are--it's only "in Christ" that we will find a mutual love, acceptance, forgiveness, and a bond that will last beyond the tough times, into all eternity.
It's easy to love the "stranger within the gates"--to show love, respect, warmth, and welcome--it's harder when we're brothers--but that's what it's all about. Our Lord wants us to "grow up"--to learn to love, respect, appreciate each other's gifts and talents, to learn to live with each other's faults and failures, to pick one another up when we stumble, to lift one another up when we're down. It's called "Christian growth" -- it doesn't come in a once-a-day vitamin pill; it comes through struggles, hurts, difficulties, differences--as we learn to get along and to love one another as HE loves us.
People problems in your life, your home, your marriage, your church? The Lord who lived and walked with His disciples in Bible days, who taught them to love, laugh, and learn from one another, walks with us today. Let His love, patience, understanding, grace and forgiveness grow in your heart daily - let us become a community of believers--and families--for whom the world will say, "See how they love one another!"
Hassles--or hugs--what will it be? I'm headin' towards the hugs, how about you! Have a great day in the great big family of God today!