It's Christmas--around the world and on the Worldwide Web! Sales abound--as the economy tries to rebound--and a seasoned shopper can find bargains everywhere. Santas abound too as kids climb on a thousand laps and parents find a thousand cameras to record the event--all over the world! We all love Christmas--the lights and laughter, the munchies and music, the programs and presents! It's fun to celebrate--and I love Christmas!
BUT--is that all there is? NO! - Christmas is MORE than earthly dazzle and this world's delights--for you see, there's a Gift God gave to the world that Christmas commemorates--remember? Or in all the bustle and busyness, has it slipped our minds and our hearts?
I was especially reminded of this marvelous Gift to the world one Christmas-time Sunday as I partook of Holy Communion...His Body...and His Blood...shed for the sins of the whole world...God's Christmas gift to hurting humanity--His Beloved Son, the Baby in the Manger who became the Savior on the Cross....wrapped in swaddling clothes at His birth and at His burial....God's "love package"...with the likes of you and me as His official "delivery service" to take the Gift--His Broken Body and His Atoning Blood--to a hurting world!
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours--and may His gift be opened and received by you--and a world He loves--at this Christmas time and all through the year!
...and that's just a little "food for thought" from my heart to yours!
Luke 2:1-20 - The Christmas Story
"Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift (2 Corinthians 9:15)."
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16).
Christmas Is Your Birthday, Lord! - Gilberto Barreto and Janet Goh --lyrics & tune--now playing on this page.