That's bookworms who are believers--
and believers who are bookworms!
Attention, Christian Writers, Publishers & Fans:
See "The Power of the Pen: Christian Writers at Peggie's Place!" . . . Writers' Research Resources at Peggie's Place!

The Inside Scoop:
God Allows U-Turns--looking for Christian writers
"Walking on Water," a story by Peggie is included in this book!
Read Peggie's Love Story, excerpt from "It's a God Thing" by Luis Palau
Christian Publishing News
+ + + + + + +
Reader's Digest Magazine Articles . . .
Guideposts . . .
HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine--devotional magazine!
Janice A. Thompson - Christian author
Books by Grace Fox - great "10-Minute Time Out" Devotions!
Bodie and Brock Thoene - authors extraordinaire!
Max (The Teaching Ministry of Max Lucado)
The Writings of Ruth Martin . . . The Writings of Pastor/Poet Greg Asimakoupoulos
+ + + + + +
Feature: Tod Steward - children's writer of delightful books for homeschooling families!
+ + + + + +
"A Stitch in Time"--first novel by my friend Allison Bottke, creator of God Allows U-Turns ministries
Featuring: Greg Asimakoupoulos: The Pastor is a Poet!
The Partial Observer.
From the Pen of the Pastor/Poet.
+ + + + + + +
Other featured sites
Amy Foundation--excellent articles & resources
Articles by Luis Palau--highly recommended
Case Studies
Charisma News Service Online
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Christian Articles Archive
Christian Classics Ethereal Library--4*
Decision Online - BGEA Decision Magazine
Oneliners and Proverbs
RibTickler--humor & inspiration!
The Word Percolator--creative, excellent site
Here's a great TEEN place!.... Christian Teens

Christian poetry sites
Featuring: Fellowship of Christian Poets
Christian Poetry by SandyChristian Poetry--includes stories from the Web!
Christian Virtuist Poetry
Expressions from the Heart--lovely, inspirational poetry
Inspirational Poetry
Janet's Christian pages - prose and poetry
Literary Pathways - inspirational poetry
My TGIF Home Page--lovely poetry & more by Shirley Evans
Poet's Corner--from Barbara's Entourage
Ray's Praise Poetry
The Poetry of Gene Minix
The THINKING Log--Dr. Gene Minix
Thoughts in Cyberspace: Art and Poetry by Lena Kittrell
+ + + + + + +
Other Christian reading
A Love I Could Not Deny--Diane Dew - topical Bible study & more
Anne Murchison's Web Page - Wonderful page!
Beverly Lewis--Christian bestselling author
Christian Love Notes by Mark Phillips
Grant's Graceland
Jerry Jenkins, Best-selling Author ("Left Behind" series)
Mr. Mom's Web Site with inspiration stories/poems
Patsy Clairmont - Christian author, speaker, humorist extraordinaire!
Precious Testimonies
Speak to My Heart - Inspirational Stories from Barbara's Entourage
The Christian Reader
The Passion of Christ--by Barbara Dorner
The Practice of the Presence of God - Bro. Lawrence's writings online

Christian Bookstores
My favorite in Springfield, MO, for pre-owned books
Redeemed bookstore
The Episcopal Bookstore
An independent retail bookstore,
specializing in meeting the needs of the liturgical Christian reader.
With an inventory of about 15,000 titles, the store usually ships
within 24 hours of receiving an order.
The Episcopal Bookstore has
existed for 36 years in Seattle, WA.
Christian Books Bibles -
The fastest growing Christian resources distributor online...
unbeatable prices...
from leading publishers such as Zondervan, Tyndale, Navpress, Thomas Nelson, Baker House, CSS and many others. - Books, Bibles, Gifts
" is proud to support Peggie's Place and all the glory that it brings to Christ!
We are pleased to provide you with anything from Women's Devotional Bibles
to the latest Franklin Electronic Bible for your hi-tech family!
We have free shipping and 100% satisfaction guarantee on all orders!"
Christian Publishers Outlet
Christian Publishers Outlet (one-stop shopping for books, music, etc.)
Family Christian Stores (formerly Family Bookstores)
Good Books
Grace & Truth Books--Online Christian bookstore
(Character-building books for Christian families)
See also Grace Online Library--Baptist, Reformed & Puritan Resources
His Bible and Book House, Brighton, MI
HisWay Christian Bookstore
Kregel Evangelical Christian Books and Ministry Resources
Mardel Christian & Educational Supply
Parable Christian Stores - America's Leading Christian Retailers.
TrinityZone - Internet's Premier Online Christian Bookstore, Music Store and More!
Westminster Books & Software
Christian Works--(Wilson Harp Books) - "Bible Stories for Grownups"

Christian Magazines, publications, online e-zines & more!
Online Magazines - HIS-Net
Pentecostal Evangel
Strang Communications
The Magazine Rack (101 Online Christian Magazines)
+ + + + + + + +
Boundless Webzine
Christian Teens
Charisma Magazine
Christian Resources - e-zine for musicians, worship leaders, and music fans
Next-Wave--A monthly Web magazine for Christians
+ + + + + + +
Christianity Today
DECISION Online (Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn.)
Discipleship Journal
Enrichment Journal Online (A/G ministry publication)
Jerusalem Christian Review
Melody of the Heart E-Zine
Ray Comfort - Living Waters Publications--don't miss RealAudio, "Hell's Best Kept Secret"
HEARTLIGHT(R) Magazine - Just for Men
Renewal Journal
The Lord's Rain--great family magazine!
Kyria - for Christian women
World Magazine--Christian perspective on the news

Miscellaneous Christian reading!
Articles, books, columnists, email lists, newsletters, stories & more!
Indelible Ink--favorite books of our favorite authors!
Christian Book Previews books, music & more for less!
Christian Books on the Internet (UK)
Also available: North American site
Christian Book Summaries
Library of Online Evangelical Christian Books
+ + + + + +
Four Bestselling Books by Dr. Joel A. Freeman
"God Is Not Fair, Kingdom Zoology, Living with Your Conscience and Return to Glory"
Read a sample chapter for each one of these great books!
Christian Stories
Heroic Stories
+ + + + + +
A key to life: The Silent Friend by Giulio Credazzi . . . The Plan of God
Adventures From the Book of Virtues
And He Will Give You Rest! (Chronic Illness/Pain Resource Newsletter)
Angel Realm
Books by Joy Jacobs--devotional writer
Breakpoint--with Charles Colson
Chris P's Inspirational Stories, Poems, and Thoughts
ChristianLOVENotes--Christian encouragement email list
Christians Online - Stories
Counting the Cost--newsletter
Daily and Weekly Encounter
Deliver Us from Evil
Dan Wooding's "Strategic Times"
Dick Schroeder's "Cutting Edge" Home Page
Discipleship Net! (Ministry of Brother Dan)
Do You Believe in Angels?
Doug Britton Books
Elizabeth Delayne's Christian Romance Fiction
"Hosanna in the Highest" newsletter, available through e-mail.
Please contact
Mike Nathan (
How to Destroy the Evil Tree
Inspirations, Meditations
Into the Wardrobe: The C. S. Lewis Web Site
John Stott Ministries
Poems 'n Prose from Scotland
Probe Ministries Homepage (includes great articles)
Single Sisters e-mail discussion list...sharing encouragement, prayer, and much more!
Write to the Moderator at for information!
Staci Stallings--inspirational romance author
"Tales Of King Dunen"--Christian
Teach Health! (Helps for stress, anxiety, depression, written by a Christian medical doctor)
The Living Word Library
The Messianic Literary Corner
The Preacher's Wife
Tim King Books
Times Square Pulpit Series (Rev. David Wilkerson)
Verdades Vivas (from Brazil)