My family coat of arms ties at the back ... is that normal?
My family tree is a few branches short! All help appreciated.
My ancestors must be in a witness protection program!
Shake your family tree and watch the nuts fall!
My hobby is genealogy, I raise dust bunnies as pets.
How can one ancestor cause so much TROUBLE?!
I looked into my family tree and found out I was a sap ...
I'm not stuck, I'm ancestrally challenged.
I'm searching for myself; Have you seen me?
If only people came with pull-down menus and on-line help ...
Isn't genealogy fun? The answer to one problem leads to two more!
It's 2000 ... Do you know where your G-G-Grandparents are?
A family reunion is an effective form of birth control.
A family tree can wither if nobody tends it's roots.
A new cousin a day keeps the boredom away.
After 30 days unclaimed ancestors will be adopted.
Am I the only person up my tree ... sure seems like it.
--Selected from Net 153 Sunday Funnies.
Today's Truth: "Miners Rescued!"
by Dick Innes
It's hard to even begin to imagine what the nine coal-miners
felt in Quecreek, Pennsylvania when they were trapped 244
feet below the surface in the 50-degree cold while
struggling for survival in a pocket of air in the flooded
coal-mine. Thinking they were doomed, several wrote farewell
notes to their loved ones. Miner Blaine Mayhugh, 31, asked
his boss for a pen when the water in the shaft kept rising.
"I want to write my wife and kids to tell them I love them,"
he said. Then, fearing their death, the miners tied
themselves together so all of their bodies would be found if
they drowned. It must have been a terrifying experience.
What a relief it was when we learned of their amazing rescue
and thanked God for the team who worked feverishly day and
night for three days to save the trapped miners--and
marveled how they not only found exactly where the men were
trapped, but also how they were able to rescue all nine
The New York Times (July 29, 2002) described how a wave of
exultation swept out from the floodlit rescue scene as the
first words resounded up from below with the news that all
the missing miners had survived their ordeal. People were
weeping and cheering at village roadsides and television
sets at the news that the disastrous flood deep underground
had left no fatalities among the harried night crew that
disappeared on Wednesday deep in the Quecreek mine.
If only the church as a whole and today's Western Christians
had the same commitment to rescue those who are bound for a
lost eternity in darkness without God and without hope.
Here in ACTS International, while we are just a tiny
organization, we are among those who are doing everything in
their power to reach the lost for Christ. Never before has
the church had the technology that makes it possible to
reach so many . . . by so few . . . for so little.
But like so many others who are doing this work all we lack
is the support.
Suggested prayer: "Dear God, please move among the hearts of
your people to join with and support the rescue teams who
are on the front line of action seeking to win the lost to
Jesus. Help me to realize the full impact of the unthinkable
doom of those who are lost in darkness who, without your
salvation, are doomed for eternal damnation and will be lost
forever without hope. And grant with your help that I will
do my part in obeying your commission to help take the
gospel to everyone, everywhere. Thank you for hearing and
answering my prayer. Gratefully, in Jesus' name, Amen."
From Daily Encounter (c) Dick Innes 2001.
P.S. To see how you can help ACTS share the gospel see
ACTS International Web site

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Thanks for coming! God bless--and see you tomorrow!
Remember, there's nothing that can happen today
that you and your Lord together cannot handle!
e-mail me to say hi.
All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Humor and inspiration in Tickles 'n Truth are extracted from items that circulate around the Web. Many authors are unknown; I do not claim copyright privileges on the articles used. Should you know the author of a certain piece, please notify me that I may give proper credit.