Memories of the desert! It's Memorial Day weekend, and we salute, with great pride, the servicemen of Desert Storm and all the other war storms that have crossed our horizon as a nation! These are brave, patriotic, men who loved and served their country with honor!
Memories of the desert are part of our family album too! One summer we packed our Oldsmobile trunk with half the house as we headed down the Missouri road for California! Two car seats held a baby in front and a toddler in back, while mom held HER breath on a first long trip with two little ones. Now travel with babies is an adventure in itself, but we were not prepared for the adventure about to make family history as we left Needles, California, gateway to the California desert.
The desert had always intrigued me! I'd read an exciting novel based on travelers stranded in a desert, desperately dragging through all kinds of drama, until just reading the book made me thirsty. So I looked forward with dramatic anticipation to this wonderful experience... (Crazy, I know, but I love drama!) ..UNTIL, as we started into the desert, the HOT light flashed on. After fifteen frantic miles, we finally drove back to the city, found a gas station, and were given a possible solution. We started out again, this time with air conditioning shut off, windows closed, and--did I mention the temp that day? 120 degrees! I can still see the flushed face of a little toddler saying, "I'm hot," and the big eyes of a baby saying, "I'm thirsty!" But if we maneuvered up the big hills, maybe we could do it! We couldn't--the hot light went on again, we returned to Needles, spent the night--and some money, and with great fear and trembling started again in the morning. THIS time we made it, arrived safely at our destination, and I've had all the adventure I want in the desert--it will last a lifetime!
Deserts...parched, unpredictable...and long! They're in each of our lives, at one time or another, and have nothing to do with a vacation for sure! They're deadly to some, divine to others--depending on your guide. If you're doing deserts by yourself, you're in mighty, big trouble--if you're doing them with the Lord, you're in for the adventure of a lifetime--and you WILL survive. Come with me to the Well and let's begin!
Lord of Preparation!
The Lord handpicks His leaders--and Moses was no exception. Providentially spared from death, the basket baby grew up to be God's chosen leader of Israel. But leaders are not BORN leaders--sometimes they're BROKEN leaders first, and God had to re-direct the strong will of this man He planned to use. Call it a breakdown (or a meltdown!) in the desert, but for forty years, Moses was hid from public view, tending sheep, living a mundane, boring life. God's leader was being prepared--and loneliness was part of the preparation.
Was the Lord there? Absolutely--I believe He whispered to Moses in the stillness of the night, in the heat of the day. I believe He taught Moses to depend on Him, to know His voice, to discern His call, to become a man after God's own heart. And it could only be done in the desert. The place of quiet revelation--and relationship, as Moses and the Lord formed a special bond to last a lifetime--and forever!
For He's Lord of the desert, whether it's Moses--or you. He's preparing you for service as He can in no other way. Lonely? Long? Yes, but loving too, for the Lord of the desert loves you and plans His best for your life. He develops relationship with you which will last a lifetime. Lean on Him, and you WILL survive!
Lord of Power!
The Lord tests His leaders--and His own Son was no exception! God the Father knew the Son must battle the enemy and victoriously win, so that we might know the "battle is the Lord's" and we will win as well! For forty days and nights, alone in the desert, Jesus faced Satan himself. He battled the world, the flesh, and the devil, and He won--with the power of the Word of God!
Was God there? Absolutely--I believe He monitored the whole scene, and when Jesus had conquered every temptation, He sent angels to minister to Him. Jesus must taste--and triumph over--the temptations we face--and it could only be done in the desert. It became a place of quiet power and authority, as Christ, the Lord of the desert, proved once and for all, that Satan has no power over the mighty Word of God deep within the heart of a believer!
For He's Lord of the desert, whether it's Jesus Himself--or you! He empowering you for battle as He can in no other way. Fierce? Frightening? Yes, but He's faithful, and the Lord of the desert will strengthen you in ways never thought possible as you go THROUGH this desert. Trust in Him, confront the enemy with the powerful Word of God, just as your Lord did, and you WILL survive!
Lord of Providence!
The Lord plans for His leaders--in ways beyond human comprehension. He whisked Philip away from a mighty revival to a desert meeting with a hungry soul. Coincidence? I think not! The providence and plan of God was in effect, removing Philip from the crowd, and implanting him in the chariot of a seeking heart. Certainly not a traditional means of travel--but then, does our Lord have to be traditional? He works in ways beyond our understanding--and delights to design surprises--even in the desert--for His children.
Was God there? Absolutely--it was a planned event, a "divine appointment," and although it must have taken Philip by surprise (can you imagine!), it did not take God by surprise at all. It was part of the plan--someone in the desert needed to know the truth of God's love, and Philip was the chosen vessel. God will use whatever means necessary to perform His will!
For He's Lord of the desert! In the daily events of life, don't be TOO surprised if He interrupts and sends you--wherever He decides--to minister for Him. Think of it--you'll already have been PREPARED, and emPOWERED--now you're ready to be providentially PROJECTED to wherever He leads! Don't expect Philip's time travel trip, but be ready for the adventure of a lifetime! For when you're prepared and empowered to serve--the Lord of the desert will providentially SEND you and use you for His Kingdom--and HE will receive the glory!
Deserts are an adventure-in-waiting, and you can go it alone, or ask Him to be Lord! He will be all you need to guide you through the desert of your life. For He, the Lord of preparation, power, and providence is the adventure guide of your life...He's Lord of all--and remember, deserts aren't forever. He'll take you THROUGH, and you WILL survive--to praise His Name!
And that's just a thought or two--from from my heart to yours!