It worked fine--until I tinkered with it! And so it did for Adam and Eve, until they messed it up. God had everything working beautiful--a divine fellowship with Himself, a blessed relationship with each other, and a caretaking of His creation, all within a lovely garden setting filled with beauty, pleasure, and perfection. He created it, He made the boundaries--they KNEW the boundaries--and they BLEW it. Sin, shame, darkness entered our world--and only God, in His plan of salvation, could restore them to Himself.
If they had only trusted the Creator, and not messed with His workable plan....but they did, and WE do--many times, forgetting we are to trust Him, who designed it, makes it work, and knows exactly what He is doing. Trust the Creator--don't mess with His plan--it's for your own good! But remember, if you do, all is not lost, for He who created us can pick up the broken pieces and put it back together! He's the Master Workman--and He'll do it for you!
Roarin' Like a "LION" doesn't help!
I did fine today--now that is a miracle! Usually, this emotional Italiano throws a fit when something doesn't work...not very spiritual, but transparency is good for the soul! I am not a laid-back, quiet, demure little person who smiles and sails through life with ease. Everything I do becomes a major project, a major worry, a dynamic event or disaster. I don't do ANYTHING little. So for me to "keep my cool" was somewhat of a minor miracle, but I did. And you know what? I think it helped!
It sure helped Daniel...can you see him in the middle of the lions' den, in a wild panic, screaming, pulling his hair, saying, "Lord, what do I do now? They'll eat me ALIVE!" No, the Lord knew what to do--He just shut the lions' mouths, and if Daniel knew what was wise for him, he knew to shut HIS too...temper tantrums and panic attacks get you no where fast! Daniel had the discipline and self-control God needed for him to have that day--and it helped to save his life! God, give us more self-control; keep us cool and calm, when our natures want to do the opposite. Give us an extra dose of your quietness and peace, in the midst of trouble--and then let us watch what YOU will do!
"BEAR" your troubles with humor and grace!
Humor I've got plenty of--it's the grace I need! How about you! Now, of course, there are tragedies and troubles in life for which nothing funny is even imaginable. I'm talking about the minor mishaps of life--the messes we get ourselves into of our own making and the unplanned frustrations life throws our way. And where does it happen? At work, at home, at church, at school--everywhere there are people, we need humor--and grace! (And admit it--everywhere WE are, THEY need humor--and grace!) Can you find something funny in what's going on in your life? Maybe not--and what you are needing is a double dose of God's grace, but it's there for you!
It was there for Noah--now just imagine the humor of the situation. All these animals--sounds, smells and space problems--and the people are STUCK--no where to go! Talk about cabin fever--just imagine what these poor people went through for 40 days and 40 nights, and then know you WILL survive the winter! But along with the humor of it all--and I'm sure they had to have a good dose of it--came the GRACE! "Noah found GRACE in the eyes of the Lord!" He is a model for us all, in the middle of the storm, to know God's wonderful, overflowing grace and peace, especially in situations beyond our control. It wasn't just for Noah--it's for you and me, and it's YOURS today--in whatever zoo you may reside!