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Credit for digital music: "Come Fill My Heart" by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel/Songs of Praise)
Words From the Well!
What in the world am I talking about? Most people went for entertainment--to enjoy the sights and sounds, the story, the multimedia magic, the music--and I enjoyed all of that too. But "Prince of Eygpt" is not just about a prince who gives up a palace for his people and a powerful plan of God. It's not just about mighty moments of miracles and a moving Red Sea. It's all that--and more! For along with the movie--and the munchies (chocolate included!), somehow, in the darkness of that theatre, a light went on! There came a devotional--for you and for me--and if you'll come to the well with the Prince and I, I mean, the Prince and me, you may be surprised to find you "relate" to him too!
Do we love our God? Of course we do--families and friends, foes and strangers know we belong to "another world" - that we take orders from a higher place than the planet we call earth. But sometimes He calls deep within our hearts--"Let it GO!" We cringe and we cry to surrender people and plans close to our heart; we want to hold on. Of course, it's hard; of course, it hurts. But He gently says, "My child, you must surrender. You must trust Me. Give to Me those people and those plans--I can care for them far better than you. Only THEN will you see My glory....you must surrender!" You struggle, you strive, and then you surrender to the call. And that's when it all happens. God is free to perform His BETTER plan in your life AND theirs...all because you let it go!
Do you love YOUR life? Of course you do--you have plans for education, a career, a family--a nice home, a cool car, some "cool kids"--whatever makes you happy! But wait a minute--you and I belong to God. Our lives are in HIS hands to do with as HE wills. Does He plan for you to be and do things you've never dreamed of? He most certainly does--but you'll not ever experience it UNTIL you are willing to surrender your OWN dreams, plans, and wishes. He will take them, mold them and make them into something better than you ever dreamed--but He won't do it until you let it go! It's that simple and it's that hard--but when you do, THAT'S when it all happens. God is free to perform His BETTER plan in your life...when YOU let it go!
Pharaoh, do you have a strong will? I needn't ask...two hours watching the movie, and many times hearing the Bible story, have told me that your will is remarkable--come hell or high water, frogs, locusts, or a bloody river, and you'll not cave in to the Will of God. You will do your own thing--and you will pay! For the God who made you, Pharaoh, is Lord of all. You do not hold the children of Israel any longer than He will allow. You MUST let them go, and if you refuse to bend your will and to bow before a supreme God, you will pay, dearly. I think you just did, Pharaoh....your eldest son, dear to your heart, is dead. NOW will you obey?
Do YOU have a strong will? OK, you needn't answer--for unless you happen to be a spineless creature of no plan or purpose whatsoever, you have a will and it works very well--mine does! We learned the word "no" early, and while sometimes, we MUST use it on earth, it doesn't work in heaven! Determine in your heart that you will "do your own thing"--dare within your spirit to rebel against God's management of your life--and you will pay, dearly! BUT, determine in your heart to let it go, to seek God's will to the best of your ability, to be willing to obey it at whatever cost--and you will find it! It will be that "good and acceptable and perfect" will of God, and it will bless your life--and the world--if you will let it go!
Please e-mail me to say
hi--and sign my guestbook too! Have a great day serving the Lord!
Search Engine Submission - AddMe
Note: As of 11/30/15, sites will no longer be checked for dead links. Please contact owner at peggiesplace.com due to tremendous amount of links.
This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the
evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other
Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner,
you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Copyright 1996-2016 by
Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.
A Hurting
What do the "Prince of Egypt" and the "Webmaster of Peggie's Place" have in common? Certainly not gender nor jewels; and definitely not royalty nor riches. Now the "basket" part--sometimes (grin!)--and I WOULD like ridin' the river, if all crocodiles were first removed! No, the Prince and I have very little in common, at a mere outward glance. But we're related! I know we're related--especially after seeing the movie, "Prince of Egypt," now showing in theatres across the USA.
The movie's over and I'm mesmerized, not just by the moving music, but by the mighty message to my own heart. I'm sure DreamWorks didn't dream of preaching me a sermon last Saturday night--but it did, and I pass it on to you! LET IT GO! Surrender your heart, your life, and your will to a loving Lord, and watch what happens! All heaven will come to your aid to fulfil the plan of God for your life....and oh, by the way, the Prince and I will be watching!! A Helping Word...or
His Healing Words
"Lord, here's my heart, my life, my will. I've held on long enough--I let it go, fully and completely.
Take me and use me in your Kingdom. In Jesus' Name, Amen."
compliments of my friend Madelein of His Praise Maui!
erroneously identified by me as "page views" for the
entire site.
--It jogs around the world and around the clock--to find
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Thanks, AddMe, for promoting Peggie's Place, including my new TWITTER page!
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!