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Credit for digital music: "Come Fill My Heart" by Elton Smith, Larry Holder and Steve Israel/Songs of Praise)
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Words From the Well!
Peggie C. Bohanon
"Be gone," Satan said, as he, behind the school scene, took the life of a 17-year-old Christian. Cassie was gone, in an instant, to be with the Lord she loved and served, leaving behind a host of grieving friends and family--and a one-word legacy, "Yes!" Was that word a victory for Satan--or for God? You be the judge...
"Who will pick up the torch?" the pastor asked at the memorial service for Rachel Scott, another wonderful Christian teen. Teens stood everywhere--some watching by TV--and pledged to take up Rachel's torch of the Christian faith. Kids everywhere have been touched by the faith of Rachel, Cassie, and other Christians who died that day. They courageously pick up the torch--ready to dedicate and rededicate their lives to a God whose "love so amazing, so divine, demands "my life, my soul, my all." It's heart-wrenching business, but don't lose heart--for where are they going with that torch? God only knows--I believe some of these kids will carry the "Yes" word around the world--"Yes, we will live for Christ;" "Yes, we will tell our world about Christ!" and "Yes--Jesus is Lord--our Lord!"
"Be ready," God says. Be ready to live your life--or give your life--for the One who died for you. The Christian kids in Colorado were ready...are we?
"Be blessed, Cassie," the Lord says, as He must have stood to welcome a 90s young martyr into His very presence. Do we understand? No--but God does. His plan is greater than anything we can imagine. His purpose is deeper than anything we will understand. We must leave it in HIS hands, live--or die--for Him, and know that in life or in death, we are blessed beyond measure in HIS sovereign care.
What Satan meant for harm may turn into one of the greatest evangelism efforts this world has ever known. Let Christians around the world turn to Satan's strongholds, wherever God has placed us, and in one voice declare, "Satan, be gone! Jesus is Lord!" As a result of this tragedy, I believe many will find the Lord. I believe many will rededicate their lives to God's service.
And now, remember Satan, GOD has the ultimate last word--and it's for you..."Be gone, forever and ever!" (See The Christian Armor Room.) And "HE (Jesus Christ) shall reign forever and ever..."King of Kings and Lord of Lords...Hallelujah!"--"YES!" we shout! With Cassie and other martyrs of the faith gone before, we say one grand eternal, "YES!"
Search Engine Submission - AddMe
Note: As of 11/30/15, sites will no longer be checked for dead links. Please contact owner at peggiesplace.com due to tremendous amount of links.
This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the
evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other
Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner,
you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Copyright 1996-2016 by
Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.
A Hurting
The "Yes" word is powerful! I recently returned from the Internet Evangelism Conference in Chicago, Illinois, and heard ministries around the nation say "yes" to Internet evangelism and to proclaiming God's Word around the world. Exciting indeed--but another "yes" was recently heard 'round the whole world and has touched us all, Christian and non-Christian, with its simplicity, faith and power. A teen named Cassie, a martyr with a message--and a legacy--for us all. Let's go to the Well to meet Jesus, the Author and Finisher of Cassie's faith--and ours.
What Cassie could not have done in a lifetime, she did in an instant--with one word that has gone around the world as a living and dying testimony to faith in Jesus Christ. She was not the lone Christian in that tragedy. Valeen, another Christian gal, after witnessing the horror, was asked the same question, said "yes," was shot and survived by crawling under a table. Others known to be wonderful Christians died in their faith--some are surviving the tragedy and evil of that day, stronger in faith than ever. They need our prayers. A Helping Word...or
(Say Yes and Be Gone!)
(Say Yes and Be Ready!)
(Say Yes and Be Blessed!)
His Healing Words
"Lord, we pray for the grieving community of Littleton, Colorado. We pray for the injured and recovering. We pray for Christians as they share their faith with an evil world. And we re-dedicate our own lives to say "Yes" to You, in life or in death, for You alone are 'the Way, the Truth and the Life.'
In Jesus' Name, Amen."
compliments of my friend Madelein of His Praise Maui!
erroneously identified by me as "page views" for the
entire site.
--It jogs around the world and around the clock--to find
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Thanks, AddMe, for promoting Peggie's Place, including my new TWITTER page!
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!