Mrs. Noah had her hands full...beasts and boys and burdensome chores; noises and nightmares--and never-mind the bugs! It was a "madhouse" for a LONG time, but she survived! She knew this was God's plan and in GOD'S plan, we always survive. Mrs. Noah didn't have a dishwasher, a microwave, a washer and drier--or a computer! She couldn't email her friends--or download a chocolate dessert--and yet, she managed to KEEP her sanity, to live "one day at a time," and to know God was with her.
We moms face endless days and nights of "mad" living--if you've got "normal" kids, you understand! There are days when you think you will completely lose it--and then the next day, you look back and laugh.....Why? Because God has made us with a sense of humor to see the funny side of life. It may take a day or so--but we laugh and re-count and write in our diaries the misdeeds and madness of the "funhouse" we operate. Merriment is a part of making it work, you know. A sense of humor is God's gift to help us get through all of our endless days and never-ending nights -- He got Mrs. Noah through it all, and He will do the same for us!
Odors and Other Oddities!
Mrs. Noah had no odor-repellants, bug-repellants or scented potpourri. She endured what must have been incredible circumstances and atmosphere. This was a very strange houseboat--full of noisy, smelly animals, from parrots and penguins to monkeys and mice. Along with the animals came the clean-up and Mrs. Noah probably was domestic engineer, with a daily chore chart posted on the ark wall for her boys to see....OK, that's poetic license...grin...but just imagine what this poor woman had to endure. There was no praise music to drown out the noise, no Christian TV to occupy her mind, no mall where she could escape--she was stuck in a smelly, non-air-conditioned floating zoo!
And sometimes we are too. The "odors and oddities" of life can become frustrating, as we put up with dirty socks, messy rooms, noisy fights, and fussy kids. We do our best and feel like a failure. We run ourselves ragged "cleaning the ark, picking up the ark, straightening the ark," and by the next day, it's a mess again. We sense with that "extra-sensor" the Lord has given us when there's a problem, and we're off to fix it, with the Lord's help, of course. For you see, the Lord knows what every "Mrs. Noah" is going through at every stage of life--whether pampers or preschool; high school or heaven help us, driving school, HE knows. And HE walks the ark with us each day as we love and care for our kids. They face incredible dangers and temptations in the world--but when a godly Mrs. Noah gets them "up the ramp and in the ark," she trains and teaches them, loves and prays with them, and ultimately places them in HIS safekeeping. Smart woman that Mrs. Noah!
Ministry and Mercy!
Mrs. Noah must have been the chief ministry person on board--of course, she was probably the cook, and we ALL know what a ministry THAT is....and then there's the soothing of bruises. Mrs. Noah was probably the mediator, the person in charge of encouragement, and probably lots of love and hugs. Moms are like that--and she would be no exception, I'm sure! But wait a minute--along with the marvelous ministry, there was probably alot of tender--and not-so-tender mercy. Maybe she had to resolve some sibling warfare (can't you see the siblings at war with one another--as in YOUR house--and NOWHERE TO GO!) and give a lesson or two in relationships and relative peace--just as you do! And loving God, she knew where her strength came from, as weary day after weary night, she lovingly ministered love and mercy to her floating, fussy family.
And Christian moms of the new millennium are no different. We soothe bruised egos and wounded spirits along with Band-aiding the banged-up, bumped-up bodies. We temper mercy with justice, sometimes with a "time out" or a "you're grounded," and we try to teach our children the ways of the Lord. And then sometimes we mess up--we get frustrated and fussy; anxious and ornery--and we're ready to just jump OFF the boat! But we take a deep breath, say a quick prayer, and carry on. For we know we are not alone. God is with us and He joins us in our ministry. As we extend mercy to our imperfect kids (and husbands!), HE extends His mercy to us--thank God!--and we survive!