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Words From the Well!
Peggie C. Bohanon
But let's face it, girls--men and women ARE different, and when we finally realize that God has a GOOD thing going--and until we learn to ENJOY and WORK OUT those differences, we'll continue the battle of the sexes forever after! Now when it's all in fun, we pick up our play swords and enjoy teasing back and forth. But when it's in real life and dead serious conflicts result, it's NOT so funny and only the Lord--and some very good communication--helps us work those times out!
But wait a minute...if we dig DEEP enough, I believe we'll find men and women do have some "look-alike" characteristics--deep within our spirits, that is! Come with me to the Well. Mary and Martha are there--we know them well (unintended pun...), but Michael and Mel? Who in the world are they? Come with me--put your swords down and let's find out!
Mary loved God--with great devotion and delight. She voluntarily made time in her day to sit at the feet of Jesus, and we usually think of her LISTENING to His wonderful words. But stop and think: does a woman have the ability to sit and listen without ever contributing her thoughts and wishes? Not me--grin--at least not very well, and I suspect not YOU either! I believe Mary not only listened and learned at the Master's feet. I believe she may have asked questions, expressed concerns, voiced her devotion, and simply loved her Lord, in the womanly way God had made her to worship Him!
Do you need to take more time to stop and listen to His voice, to sit at His feet, and drink from the Well of His Words--and His presence? We all do--and we must take "time-out" to sit with our Lord. Sometimes it's a real struggle--we are so busy. But let us remember that without a doubt Christ is our life and strength, our sustenance; we must drink from His Well daily. And we must be eager and open to share with Him our problems and perplexities, our hopes and dreams--as we would do with a "best friend." He IS our "Best Friend" and He's waiting to dialogue with you and me--let's not disappoint Him this week!
Are you too busy being a "wonder woman" that there's no time to behold HIS wonder--to BE His child, His servant, His "workwoman"--at REST? We are so guilty of being so busy doing the work of the Lord that we forget the Lord Himself! "Lord, help us to not stop DOING our "Martha" things, but also to take time to BE a 'Mary'--and to sit at your feet." And can you hear the Lord respond, "Your kitchen, laundry, cleaning--and the computer--can all wait within reasonable limits, of course (your kids need clean clothes; your families need dinner and I know that!)--but it's YOU I need! Take time to SIT with Me--and then I'll take time to WALK with you through your busy day! Come on, Martha, SIT DOWN!"
Men, are you a "Michael" or a "Mel-chizedek"? Now we know Michael is an angel, and last we checked, we women did not find wings on YOUR shoulders...but we see how you "wing" it throughout your Christian life--serving, doing, ministering, working--men of action and purpose....just like Michael the archangel. Michael battled with the devil--and so do you.
We women are proud of what you've accomplished in the Kingdom of God, but wait a minute...maybe you forgot that you can also be a "Melchizedek"--a priest in your home and in your own private devotional life. You carry a heavy load--and Christ, your Lord, wants to help. Bring life's demands to Him; sit in His presence awhile and you will better meet those demands for your day. And by the way, we women need strong AND sensitive men to be the Michaels and Melchizedeks in our lives--you are men of WORTH to us--and to God--especially when you spend time in worship and the Word.
So who are you? Mary or Martha? Michael or Mel-chizedek? It depends, I know, on which day or which hour you ask, for we all struggle with balancing spiritual devotion and unspiritual demands--we win some, we lose some. God understands our human frame, be it male or female--and He knows what we need. May the busy Marthas and Michaels within each of us REST and may we bring our Mary and Mel counterparts to His feet--He's waiting for us all--men and women alike!
Copyright 2002 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, Missouri. All rights reserved.
Search Engine Submission - AddMe
Note: As of 11/30/15, sites will no longer be checked for dead links. Please contact owner at peggiesplace.com due to tremendous amount of links.
This Christian home has been visited a zillion times
since December 26, 1995!
Most of the music playing at Peggie's Place originates from Songs of Praise.
5*-places to visit at Peggie's Place: Tickles 'n Truth . . . The Devotional Buffet
All Scriptures on this website, including all applications, etc., are from the King James Version of The Holy Bible, public domain, unless otherwise noted.
Please note that while I strongly adhere to major tenets of the
evangelical Christian faith, I may not personally agree with every specific doctrinal belief set forth in other
Christian pages.
A safety tip: Internet links and material may include other links and/or material which do not reflect my views or yours, Christian or otherwise. Please choose wisely and use with discretion! And if you find an ugly spider hiding in a dark corner,
you may smash it with a broom--I hate offensive stuff too!
Copyright 1996-2016 by
Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, MO. - pbohanon@peggiesplace.com. - All rights reserved.
Words from the Well poem--a prayer from the
A mini-devo (Mon thru Fri) with a brief comment, Bible verse and prayer to start your day! A Hurting
I love being a woman, with all its teasings, tauntings and torments that I regularly receive from the male species of the sexes (uh...there's only TWO!). Add to that the hilarious humor that floats through cyberspace (see link below) and into our email boxes! It's fun being a woman--depending on which day or part of the day you ask my opinion, that is!
A Helping Word...or
Please do not copy without permission. His Healing
"O God, thou art my God, early will I seek thee; my soul thirsteth for thee... (Psalm 63:1)."
Visit Songs of Praise below and let the
lovely music fill your soul with His peace and joy!
erroneously identified by me as "page views" for the
entire site.
--It jogs around the world and around the clock--to find
Well, not quite, but there HAS been a houseful--and
STILL room for one more--YOU!
The Christian Counter scans the entire site--and there's plenty of chocolate for everyone--so enjoy!
Thanks, AddMe, for promoting Peggie's Place, including my new TWITTER page!
Additional (previously named) original source for some midis: Gilberto Barreto.
Visit this great Web site to hear beautiful tunes by many talented artists. CDs are available.
All the rooms at Peggie's Place!