Hippety-hop, hippety-hop....no, that's not bunnies hopping down the trail..would you believe it was PEOPLE, thousands of them, all searching the NET for hidden Easter eggs on selected pages around the world! A wonderful fun activity for surfers, trying to reach the end of the trail, and finding delightful, creative web pages along the way.
"Twas the Night Before Easter," an Easter parody by Peggie, was a part of the Hunt, and has drawn hundreds of visitors to the page, looking for a hidden Easter egg, and finding, along with the pretty egg, a novel poetry presentation of the Gospel. It was a delightful time for all of us...children, teens, adults playing hide 'n seek around the WORLD! What would our great-grandparents say!
Reminds me of life--of the hide 'n seek games we all play, as we search for love, joy, and peace...if we only knew how close those "Easter eggs" were, within easy reach, not hidden at all...shall we go to the Well? I have a feeling that the hunt begins--and ends--there!
A Helping Word...or Two!
Hide 'n Seek Love!...Meet the infamous game player, the woman at the well! Her life story would have sizzled on daytime soap opera, for she had one "love adventure" after another, the last one probably the secret hush story of the town! She might hide from the scornful looks of other women by coming to the Well when no one was there. But hide from the Master, she could not. Nor would not. For He saw through her, and in her, not with scorn, but with love. And that made all the difference in the world!
Love on the Web? Some of the highest hit spots on the Internet sizzle with sex, pornography, illicit chat room affairs, and sins that defy the holiness of God. Why? Men and women are looking for love--all in the wrong places. An old song says it well, "You've known nothing until you've known God and His love." For true love is not found in an x-rated internet site or clandestine love affair--it is found within the Word of God, and within the boundaries of His love-designed laws, the only "safe" place to be!
Hide 'n Seek Joy!...Meet another infamous game player, the prodigal son. His life story has even made the Internet--ever see "The Prodigal Son (In the Key of F)?" Funny and foolish, perhaps, but the prodigal son didn't think such of HIS adventures...Oh, fun and foolish living reigned for a while. Then one day it was all gone--and he was lunching with the pigs. Wanting to hide from his friends, embarrassed he could no longer treat, no more the life of the party. For the lights were out; the "joy" was gone; the party was over.
Joy on the Web? Search engine studies reveal that one of the most popular words searched on the Internet, after "sex," is "humor." Now I love to laugh and have fun as much as anyone--but have you seen "some" of the humor hiding in little corners of our wonderful Web? Pretty raw! Men and women are seeking for joy--all in the wrong places--and under the wrong definition. "Fun" is not "joy" - joy will remain, long after the "fun" is gone. For real joy is a quality of life born into the spirit by the Spirit of God. No other way! And it's found within the perimeters of His Word and His Kingdom, the only "safe" place to be!
Hide 'n Seek Peace! Meet the night-time player Nicodemus! Looking for peace within his soul, he sought the Lord one night with questions that plagued his mind, as he wrestled with his quest for eternal peace. Christ's answer was profoundly simple--or simply profound, "Nicodemus, you must be born again.." For our Lord knew that under the cloaks of religious tradition was hidden the heart of a man hungry for reality, for peace that comes only from finding a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Peace on the Web? Do a search on the word "religion" and find the many places seeking to provide surfers with an insight to inner peace. From New Agers to Old Enchanters, you'll find every form of religion and non-religion within the simple click of your mouse. For the world IS seeking for peace--and in all the wrong places. REAL peace is found in Jesus Christ. No other person, dogma, or belief. And it's found within His Word and His Kingdom, the only "safe" place to be!
No need to play hide 'n seek looking for God's love, joy, and peace. It's all within easy reach--at the foot of the Cross, the place where the REAL Easter hunt really begins! May we all meet there, each day, during this Holy Week, to reflect upon the loving death of our Saviour, Who seeks each of us, in our hidden, private places; Who lovingly finds us and brings us to His eternal home, where we are safe forever!
And that's just a living word--or two--from His heart to yours!
His Healing Word
"...Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find...(Luke 11:9 KJV)."
"Lord, I'm been seeking for too long and in all the wrong places for love, joy, and peace. I know they are found only in You and in Your Will for my life. Help me this week, as I reflect on Calvary, to seek Your face in a new, deepened way, knowing it is there, at a place called Calvary, where I will find everything I need. In Jesus' Name, Amen."