Mister Grunklesworth is a scraggly little teddy bear who lived in Peggie's REAL home...and would come to life when Mama was havin' a bad day. He showed up as a comfort expert, tried to cuddle Mama and make it all better...especially if Mister Grunklesworth's cohorts, namely, her silly sons, had upset the apple cart! You see, if they could get mad, sad Mama laughing, these smart, scheming scalliwags knew the crisis was over...all wass forgiven, forgotten, and good old Mister Grunklesworth could go sit in the corner until he was needed NEXT time!
All well and good--and a funny memory to tuck away when the boys--and the bear--are long gone! But there ARE days when even Mister Grunklesworth can't make Mama happy! Ever have days like that when no one - man, woman, girl, boy or bear can comfort you?
You're not alone! The stresses of everyday life can do that to us all--and when it happens, we need not despair...for you see, we've got Someone far more enduring and endearing than "Mister Grunklesworth"--He's our Comforter, our Consoler, our Helper, and the Lifter-Up of Our Head--He's the Third Person of the Trinity, the Blessed Holy Spirit--and He's available, for you and for me, at our faintest call.
Needing comfort today? No, you don't need Mister Grunklesworth...and my kids won't give him away, anyway! You need what--or WHO--we ALL need--the Blessed Holy Spirit, who wants to fill your life this day with a love that lifts, a joy that lasts, and a peace that passes all understanding. When teddy bears aren't enough, remember....HE is! Now believe it--and have a beary-nice, choco-rich day!
--Copyright 2008 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO.