We're back to the real world today....don't you just "love" Mondays? I believe that James, who wrote the Book of James in God's Word, lived the same godly life Monday, as he did on Sunday honoring his Mama! (Did he sing from the hymnal or "off the wall"?? - chuckle!) Read his advice to us in today's Bible reading (above) and then enjoy a devotional from Peggie's Place especially for YOUR Monday.....
I'm not a mountain climber, but I've seen the videos! Awesome, exhilarating moments when they reach the top.....and for moms, yesterday, Mother's Day, was the top of the mountain. High praises, heavenly roses--or candy, happy children--beauty and blessing all around--in sermon, in song, in family gatherings, in traditions and sharing of love--and yes, even in the ladies with courage to wear Mother's Day hats! It's a day of celebration. Jesus, even more than our kids, fills our hearts to the tiptop with joy and life; He's our reason for being--our reason for living, and how we love Him!
Uh....that's Sunday......but Monday's coming. Hey, it's here--back to the office and the email; back to the laundry and dishes; back to the time-outs and taxis for kids....back to reality! Will the joy we felt Sunday still be there on Monday? He's just as much alive TODAY as He was yesterday....and He's there to meet your daily routine needs, to give you a deep joy that doesn't fade...even when the flowers do! He's alive for the highs AND the lows of your life--whatever day it is.
Let's celebrate Jesus EVERY day...for whether it's mountains OR Mondays, HE doesn't change! Believe it, take a Mama praise break today, have a few CHOCOLATES--and a GREAT day!
Additional devo by Peggie: "Garden of Tears...Garden of Joy"
--Copyright 2008 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO.