OK - this one's for the women - men, you're permitted to eavesdrop! Men love to be waited on. Simon and Andrew, along with the Lord, arrive at the home of Simon's mother-in-law. The poor lady was very ill--sounds like a virus to me. No penicillin, no flu shots, just lie in bed until it goes..... Oh, really? Not when Jesus the Master is around....We all know the end of the story. Jesus raised her from the bed, the fever gone, and she was so well that she was able to serve the hungry visitors
Just in time for dinner....the story is serious - and wonderful - but it sure hits my funny bone. The miracle was timed just right.....the men, along with the Lord, gratefully sat down to stuffed chicken breast, green bean casserole, fluffy mashed potatoes and a chocolate chiffon pie!
Men, we love you but sometimes you can be quite helpless.....and we wives, moms and even mother-in-laws are needed, sorely needed, when it's dinner time. We know the Lord miraculously healed a very sick person - and that's the real "meat" of the story, but isn't it fun, gals, to think how MUCH those men needed a real, live, healthy woman to cook their meal?
God has a sense of humor - and He loves it when we do too! Believe it, receive it and have a God-filled, choco-covered day!
PRAYER: "Lord, help me to see the humor in situations that aren't really funny at all. Keep up my spirits when I'm down, heal me when I'm sick, and let me never lose the sense of humor You've given me, in Jesus' Name, Amen."
--by Peggie C. Bohanon. Copyright 2008, Springfield, MO. All rights reserved.