Peter could have used a painkiller that terrible day. He had just denied the King of his life. "I know Him not," he said. He was remorseful, broken-hearted and full of pain - but it was the kind of pain that no pill could resolve.
Jesus could have used a painkiller that day on the Cross. He, the King of all ages, in agony, hung on a cross of death, broken-hearted, bearing the sin of a world that knew Him not. He Himself would bear unimaginable pain and suffering for Peter who someday would be restored to write words of comfort and godliness to believers in the Risen Christ.
But not that day....all he, Peter, knew was grief and pain......all HE, the King of life, knew was grief and pain as well. He became the Painkiller of all time, bringing forgiveness and peace to Peter and to all mankind who denied His Name.
And He offers it freely this day to all. That includes you and me, believers in His Name, even when we live in subtle denial of the promises (and premises!) of God for victorious Christian living. We too need daily need His healing power, His forgiveness and His grace.
Go in that grace this day - place your confidence and trust in the Son of God who bore your sins and sorrows on the Cross. He knows your heart and all the pain hidden within. Let Him become your healing Lord - spirit, soul and body - in a new, fresh, intimate way as we celebrate this holy and blessed time of the year.
--Copyright 2008 by Peggie Bohanon, Springfield, MO.