(Hint: Highlighted letters below spell out the theme, "Hats 'n Hilarity.")
H ats 'n More - Devotions for Women at Peggie's Place!
Featuring My Indescribable, Personal Christ
The mad, bad, sad, had hatter...and me!! . . . . Chats, Bats 'n Hats
Meet MRS. Jabez!
All Aboard MRS. Noah's Ark!--not just for Mother's Day!!
So Where's the Proverbs 31 Woman??--a "not just for Mother's Day" devo!
MamaQuest!--"not just for Mother's Day" either!
Superwoman SOARS!?!--a "not just for women" devo!!
A Highlighted devo: "Ellie...A Devo for the Worn-Out Woman!"
. . Thoughts from Gayle and "The Jupiter Journal!"
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A Poem by Pastor/Poet Greg Asimakoupoulos
The Bull in the Red-Brimmed Hat!
This poem was especially prepared for "Hats 'n Hilarity at Peggie's Place" by Pastor/Poet Greg.
Thanks, Greg, for your creativity and taking on a wild challenge to write a wacky poem for women!
See also The Writings of Greg Asimakoupoulos - a gifted Christian poet.
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T ickles 'n Truth - fun and faith for all ages!
Tickles 'n Truth Archives - enjoy humor and inspiration
Additional found on the Web!
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S isters 'n Saints
Enjoy meeting "a few" of Peggie's friends and find Christian women's resources on the Web!
Sisters 'n Saints - Meet fun Christian women on the Web! . . . . Sisterslinks at Peggie's Place -
Christian Women's resources on the Web!

'n Links Women Like
Maggie Mae Designs--gorgeous hats! . . . London & Paris Fashions, 1903
The Victorian Era Fashion History
Victorian Bazaar . . . Absolutely Everything Victorian from BillyBear4Kids.com
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Featured links: Family.org: Focus over Fifty . . . .
christianitytoday.com - Women's Channel
Women Today . . . Women of Faith . . . Spirit-Led Woman
Mothers 2 Mothers
Retirement with a Purpose . . . Mid-Life.com . . . Midife Dimensions
Minnie Pauz - - Women, Mid-Life & Menopause
Ten Things Only Women Understand--Christian Women Today Magazine
Shameless Husseys--a delightful Christian page for mental health!

H umor for the 50+ crowd
Mikey's Funnies
"A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to Old Age"
"The Computer Swallowed Grandma"
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I nspire and Encourage - E-cards for every occasion
All I Need to Know About Life I Learned from my Bible
Are You Mad at God?
MyDevotionals.com . . . Alpha Ministries - many devo favorites
Daily Guideposts . . . My Utmost for His Highest
Inspirational FLASH Movies . . . DaySpring Christian Movies
My Child . . . . Dear Child . . . In Christ I Am . . . . Memo from God
Cath's Corner: Inspirational Offerings
Mr. Mom . . . .
Inspirational Quotes, Stories, Poems, Humor . . . Inspirations at Kings Site
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L ove and Marriage
"Someone" . . . . Poems before and after marriage . . . .
"Love Is When..."
Love-related Devos by Peggie
"Bugs in the Bedroom" . . . .
Love Bugs 'n Bytes . . . .
Love, Life 'n a PBJ Sandwich! . . . . Marriage Makeover!
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Marriage Links
Features: How to
Cook a Husband
A Marriage Prayer
A Christian Marriage & Resource Page--from Barbara's Entourage
Family Life - help for marriage, singles, parenting, life issues
Marriage Builders
Smalley Relationship Center . . . SuccessfulMarriage.com
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A Woman's Bookshelf
Christian reading at Peggie's Place
Featuring: Woman's Touch--Assemblies of God women's magazine
Anne Murchison's Web Page . . . .
Beth Moore
Cindy Secrest McDowell: Encouraging Words . . . .
Dee Henderson
Elizabeth George . . . .
Francine Rivers . . . . Jan Karon . . . .
Jill Briscoe
Joyce Meyer . . . . Liz Curtis Higgs
Martha Bolton . . . .
Rhonda Rhea, Christian humorist/writer/speaker . . . .
Ruth Martin, Pastor's Wife . . . .
Thoene books
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R ed Hat Society
"The Red Hat Society(TM): Fun and Friendship after Fifty"--a Book about Red Hatters
Red Hats & Purple Dresses--Feeling Good about Being "an Older Woman"
"Invasion of the Red Hats"
"Ode to the Red Hat Society"--by Sue Ellen Cooper . . . .
Red Hat Society . . . . Elizabeth Lucas Designs
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I talian Cookies
Italian Cookies from Peggie's Kitchen . . . .
Kitchen/Cooking/Recipe Links on the Web
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T ravel the Web!
Travel the Web and the World . . . Take a Virtual Vacation
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Y ou 'n Me!
Your Virtual Church on the Web . . . Meet Peggie

Is there a hurting heart masked behind the hat 'n hilarity? You're not alone! Someone is waiting
for you at the Well!
Visit Peggie's Christian
devotionals on the Web - over 500+ for your inspiration and encouragement.
Dessert devotionals - late-breaking devos on Peggie's Place . . . . Tower of Strength crisis devos
The Blue Room at Peggie's Place . . .
Daily Bible Booster Archives . . .
Words from the Well Archives . . . Word from the Well POEM
. . . Thanks for coming! . . .
. . . Go buy a red hat! . . .
Whether you wear red, purple, brown or black, thanks for coming!
If you'd like to know more about God's love, find the Master's Key at Peggie's Place!

Graphics: ClipsAhoy.com and Musen's Fashion Ladies
Music: The tune playing is entitled: "Brother to Brother" (or Sister to Sister?)
by Larry Holder and Elton Smith, Songs of Praise.